Tuesday 12 August 2014

28mm AWI - Battle of Germantown

Last Sunday the Club decided to revisit the bloody fields of the American War of Independence using the Musket and Tomahawk rules. The Battle of Germantown saw an attempt by the American forces spring a surprise attack on the British Camp through thick fog. In the game we reduced the range of spotting down to 12" to compensate for the weather conditions. The British would need to use their pickets to alert the Camp and hope the Americans wouldn't get too much of a march across the table before the Brits could rouse their forces. Other than pickets of Light Infantry they'd only got a regiment of Regular troops and one regiment of horse, so using these to hold back the tide would be crucial. Myself and Ian played the British and Hessians while Simon and Lawrence were the Americans.

Muskets and Tomahawks being a card turn based game, unfortunately the Americans got their fair share of good luck and pushed aside the British pickets. Our regulars decided not to mimic history and instead of holding up in Chew House, they withdrew and formed line across the road leaving the town. After only one desultory volley the Americans charged into them scattering all before their onslaught. The British horse only did little better by rushing across to engage an enemy unit which they severely mauled, but ultimately had to give way to sheer numbers pushing down the road. It took some tense turns thereafter as the messengers finally issued the alert to the British Commander - in fact the Americans were only a few yards away before the Hessians and Highland troops managed a firing line and blasted their first units in view.

The whole British end of the field became a bloodied mangled mess of hand to hand fighting, especially as the British Rangers were reluctant to yield a small wood on the right flank which was causing a nuisance to the American advance. In the final moments George Washington himself had to order a unit of Elite troops into the undergrowth to finish the job, leaving two American Provincial units mulling their heavy casualties.

In conclusion, another fun game with plenty of "edge of your seat" moments. I think if the British had been successful in raising an alarm a turn or so earlier, so they could properly organise their formations, the day would have been theirs.